NFC Experience
Wireless interactive experience with NFC Gifts and NFC promotional products. Use NFC to manage and control the user experience.
Dynamic information and use NFC gifts and NFC promotional products to bring more fun and engagement to the user.
Brand protection and trust by verifying the authenticity of manufacturing through usage.
Use NFC to upgrade the traditional gifts and promotional products to an Internet of Things
NFCgifts™ Power Up Your Promotion

Near Field Communication (NFC) technology allows users to make secure transactions, exchange digital content, and connect electronic devices with a touch. NFC transmissions are short-range (from a simple tap to a few centimeters) and require the devices to be nearby.
NFC is the technology in contactless chipset which most common use of NFC technology in your smartphone is mobile payment. We use NFC to upgrade traditional promotional gifts into a connected gift for marketing promotion.
A direct channel between physical products and the online world
The sales environment for B2C and B2B transactions has been transformed radically by the proliferation of digital intermediaries such as search engines, e-commerce, online reviews, and social media. With NFC, your digital messaging comes off the shelf straight from your products. You can focus on delivering your brand message and calls to action while bypassing dishonest reviews, paid placement on search engines, and e-commerce channels that are increasing to push their private label products instead of yours.
Unique phygital experiences, a different way to connect
As an opt-in solution, NFC puts the customer in the driver’s seat. Your brand’s voice comes through directly, loyalty is boosted, and customer satisfaction increases. Using NFC marketing products can bring more campaign traffic to social platforms. In addition, there is an “Awesome!” to impact the attention-based economy.
Until now, we sold over 1 million RFID / NFC products worldwide !

It is the trend to make your promotional gifts to be connected
Proudly working with

Phygital NFC Products & Touch-less experience

NFC Watch Band
CoolPop NFC Badge
NFC Invitation Solution
NFC Wedding Card
Design Patented
Design Patented
NFC invitation card
NFC wedding card
Our design patented NFC Smart watch band to let you engage with the digital world
It is a smart NFC gadgets to power up your fashion.
We make your events more fun and interactive
Our NFC wedding invitation card project Interviewed by Darizi
We provide the wedding card design and Connected Solutions for the wedding event

CoolPop NFC Tee - I.O.TEE
NFC Mouse pad
NFC Banner Promotion
Fridge Magnet
Smart fashion
NFC Marketing promotion
Just Tap and Post
SmarThings in your home
CoolPop I.O.TEE with our patented NFC badge which is ideal for event access control/check in, cashless , and encourage the loyalty engagement for your event
Mouse pad is a coolest way for marketing promotion if NFC embedded. We works with global company eg. Tapit, Jetti.
Our N-Banner is Easy, Fast and Playable for the event promotion.
We provide the NFC support for the Winewalk 2014 in Hong Kong
Wanna connect your brand in everyone's home? NFC Fridge magnet is a way to let your customers connect with your digital content. Just Tap!

CoolPop Wireless headphone
Interviewed by Ta Kung Pao in 2014
CoolPop SmarThings in NFC Forum
NFC project in Osaka
Smart Fashion
A collabo NFC project with Aquabit Spirals Inc. for Umeda in Osaka.
Original design Wireless headphone with NFC Smart Badge.
Interviewed by Ta Kung Pao to share about the trend in NFC gifts industry.
Our NFC products in NFC Forum product showcase

CoolPop Connected Gifts
Strategic Partner
CoolPop Smart Band for iPhone 7 and later
CoolPop NFC Band
Demo - Iphone IOS 11 for NFC
CoolPop X Aquabit Sprirals Inc.
Patented Connected Smart Band
Wearable Band for promotion
Apple iPhone 7 supports CoolPop Connected Gifts
Coolpop being as the strategic business partner with Aquabit Spirals Inc. for the NFC connected gifts.
NFCgifts patented NFC smart watch band for Apple watch and classic watch. The smart gadget for engagement. Welcome for collabaration. Contact us now!
Click to view the Demo
For leisure ,public transportation, ,Campus and Access Control System,Amusement park etc.

CoolPop X Deep Settle Movement
CoolPop connected badge collabo project for Deep Settle Movement
Deep Settle Movement ( DSM ) is an South African Urban Clothing. This project is using CoolPop connected badge as a fashion accessories to promote DSM's social media.

CoolPop X Candy Bouquet (Japan)
CoolPop connected badge collabo project for Candy Bouquet Japan
Coolpop being as the strategic business partner with Candy Bouquet for the Coolpop Connected badge to integrate their social media platform and online shops

CoolPop Joins PPAI in Las Vegas
CoolPop shows in PPAI to demo the new way of promotional gifts with our connected technology.

CoolPop Smart Fashion 2018
New CoolPop Smart Fashion will be launced in Hong Kong, Japan and Los Angeles. Stay tuned!

CoolPop X nfc touch
CoolPop being as the strategic partner with nfc touch
To empower our services and nfc touch becomes our strategic partner for the NFC products

CoolPop NFC Scan App is ready
CoolPop connected gifts can be scanned by our Official CoolPop Scan App now
App available to download from Apple App Store now

NFC Digideco wipes for ErDong Times Pictures
ErDong Times Pictures use connected Digideco Wipes for dynamic promotion in Hong Kong FILMART. It brings the new NFC experience for the visitors

NFCgifts crossover with fashion brand SCANFC

Patech Case
First launched our design patented case for iPhone

Tokyo Gift Show 2020
CoolPop joins the Tokyo Gift Show

NFCgifts Joins PPAI Expo 2020 in Las Vegas
NFCgifts shows in PPAI to demo the new way of promotional gifts with our connected technology.

NFCgifts X SCANFC for NFC Play Watch
CoolPop X SCANFC for NFC Play Watch with our connected technology.

SCANFC x Light Up
SCANFC x Light Up NFC Tech Gadgets

Interview by HKTDC
NFCgifts is selected by HKTDC to share the trend of NFC Gifts and wearable gadgets in the global market

PaperLive Crossover project
CoolPop x SCANFC x PaperLIve Bag

NFCgifts x SCANFC for the designed PLS TapMe collection for business

NFC Verifier App by NFCgifts
NFCgifts offer the authentication feature for events and products

NFCgifts for Wedding invitation card and gifts
Make fun and smart for the party. Save paper and live update the party information

NFCgifts for E&M expo 2023
NFCgifts x SCANFC engineered mobile strap for Hong Kong E&M Expo 2023. Tap for same and redeem exclusive gift